
It's Time for Your Self-Care Sunday

A Few Easy Tips to Quickly Relax!

By Talin Saginian July 15, 2022

Are you feeling rundown and tired, and need a little "me time?" Well, if your little toddlers are in daycare or still take naps during the day, here are a few easy tips for you mommies to stress less for a few hours. Whether it's midweek or the end of the week, here are a few easy ways of what I like to call 'Self-Care Sundays.' 

1. Be sure the Kids are NAPPING/SLEEPING

2. Wash Your Face with your Favorite Go-To Gentle Cleanser.

3. MASK UP! 

Light a small candle (personally I love Lavender because it's super relaxing), put on your favorite Clay Mask (follow the instructions to packaging), play some relaxing rainful music, then kick-back, put your feet up and relax for 20 mins and let the mask and music do its thing. 

  • Fun Facts about Clay Masks: It controls shine and oil, Skin looks brighter and evens out skin tone, Refines your pores, and Tightens your skin.

4. Order In 

When the mask is done doing its magic, quickly call up your favorite pizza place and place an order! And that's what I call a stress-free meal for everyone. Gently wash your face with a damp warm cloth, moisturize and you're ready for the pizza man to deliver. Don't want to scare him with the mask on!   

We're always cleaning and organizing and it never seems to be enough. But no matter when we do it or how often we clean, the room will always be messy the moment your little ones are awake. So, take the time to refresh and reboot for round 2 of the day. Enjoy the quiet time of 1-2 hours of their naps (or however long they nap) where you're not picking up or repeating yourself like a broken record of "stop" or "be careful" and "it's not nice to throw things" and etc. Who knows, maybe the laundry can finally get folded and put away at the same time... good things can happen when mommies have rested!