Do you ever wish there was a place to go to learn strategies to help your kids with their homework? Or a place to take your toddler for early learning opportunities? Did you know that there is a place right here in Las Vegas that offers these services? The best part is that there isn't just one place there's TEN! And even better, these workshops travel all over the valley and you can attend a workshop at any area school or center!
FACES, Family and Community Engagement Services offers classes that range from math and reading strategies to help your student to the University of Family Learning which provides resources and networking for parents.
So what exactly does FACES do? From their website "the Title I Family Engagement Centers (FECs) establish and nurture relationships with one common goal—student achievement. FECs offer parents and families academic support, classes and workshops in a variety of topics, and access to community resources. The FECs are located at nine elementary schools and one middle school and are staffed with two Family Learning Advocates (FLAs). For a detailed schedule of classes at our centers, please click here."
The workshops provide hands on strategies presented in an easy to understand way that you can take home and start using with your child that same day. They also send you home with materials to use and end the session with a raffle. Check out all the information I got at the Math Matters workshop.